- The Dangerous side...
I went for a long sunny trip on the new BILLATO :)
Just comming home from a two week vacation - without any biking at all -
I was very anxious to get out!
I went over almost ALL the favourite hilltops around the island of Funen
- and discovered the "dangerous side" of this dream bike ! ! !
For almost 5 hours "she" just kept on saying more, more, more...
I couldn't at all feel the usual tirredness in the back, legs, arms and neck - so I just went on and on...
After more than 100k and going over the last and very long hill I was totally out of
energy! ("gone cold" as we say)
The remaining 35k for home was all tinny gears and loads of Coke from gas stations I passed!
Even traffic bumps recuired downshifting...
So I have learned a new side of riding a BILLATO: No early warnings! The
bike is so comfortable that you will not feel tirred untill you realy
are empty.
Halfways I did a +100m section of rough coubles (pave!) at high speed (+35k) !
Normally this section is shaking the body and marking you for a few hundred meters afterwards,
but I felt like I could have done kilometers like that !
The bike is so responsive and yet comfortable beyond compare.
Looking forward to
many happy rides in good company...
Jan |